How to Store and Retrieve Complex Data Types in JDBC Programs

If you want to store/retrieve objects for complex data types (Array, Map and Struct) using JDBC programs, SnappyData provides com.pivotal.gemfirexd.snappy.ComplexTypeSerializer utility class to serialize/deserialize those objects:

  • A column of type ARRAY can store array of Java objects (Object[]), typed arrays, java.util.Collection, and scala.collection.Seq.
  • A column of type MAP can store java.util.Map or scala.collection.Map.
  • A column of type STRUCT can store array of Java objects (Object[]), typed arrays, java.util.Collection, scala.collection.Seq, or scala.Product.


Complex data types are supported only for column tables.

Code Example: Storing and Retrieving Array Data in a JDBC program

The following scala code snippets show how to perform insert and select operations on columns of complex data types. Complete source code for example is available at JDBCWithComplexTypes.scala

// create a JDBC connection
val url: String = s"jdbc:snappydata://localhost:1527/"
val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url)

val stmt = conn.createStatement()
// create a table with a column of type array
stmt.execute("CREATE TABLE TABLE_WITH_COMPLEX_TYPES (col1 Int, col2 Array<Decimal>) USING column options()")

Inserting Data

  1. Insert a single row having a complex type (array)

    val arrDecimal = Array(Decimal("4.92"), Decimal("51.98"))
    val pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into TABLE_WITH_COMPLEX_TYPES values (?, ?)")
  2. Create a serializer that can be used to serialize array data and insert into the table.

    val serializer1 = ComplexTypeSerializer.create(tableName, "col2", conn)
    pstmt.setInt(1, 1)
    pstmt.setBytes(2, serializer1.serialize(arrDecimal))

Selecting Data

// Select array data as a JSON string

var rs = stmt.executeQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName")
while ( {
 // read the column as a String
 val res1 = rs.getString("col2")
 println(s"res1 = $res1")
 // Alternate way, read the same column as a Clob
 val res2 = rs.getClob("col2")
 println(s"res2 = " + res2.getSubString(1, res2.length.asInstanceOf[Int]))

// Reading array data as  BLOB and Bytes and then forming a Scala array
val serializer = ComplexTypeSerializer.create(tableName, "col2", conn)
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName --+ complexTypeAsJson(0)")
while ( {
  // Read the same column as a byte[] and then deserialize it into an Array
  val res1 = serializer.deserialize(rs.getBytes("col2"))
  println(s"res1 = $res1")
  // alternate way, read the same column as a Blob an then deserialize it into an Array
  val res2 = serializer.deserialize(rs.getBlob("col2"))
  println(s"res2 = $res2")

var rs = stmt.executeQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName")
while ( {
 // read the column as a String
 val res1 = rs.getString("col2")
 println(s"res1 = $res1")
 // alternate way, read the same column as a Clob
 val res2 = rs.getClob("col2")
 println(s"res2 = " + res2.getSubString(1, res2.length.asInstanceOf[Int]))

// reading array data as  BLOB and Bytes and then forming a Scala array
val serializer = ComplexTypeSerializer.create(tableName, "col2", conn)
rs = stmt.executeQuery(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName --+ complexTypeAsJson(0)")
while ( {
  // read the same column as a byte[] and then deserialize it into an Array
  val res1 = serializer.deserialize(rs.getBytes("col2"))
  println(s"res1 = $res1")
  // alternate way, read the same column as a Blob an then deserialize it into an Array
  val res2 = serializer.deserialize(rs.getBlob("col2"))
  println(s"res2 = $res2")

See also:
How to connect using JDBC driver